say people who are happy and confident about themselves have good
self-image. They are ambitious and eager to improve themselves but at the same
time they accept themselves for who they are. People with a good self-image
relate easily to others and look forward positively to the adventures that life
brings to them.
who are not sure about themselves have poor self-image. These people do not
find it so easy to get on and may be fearful about the future and how they will
manage. They do not relate naturally to other people and will often behave in
one or two different ways.
they are very pushy and bossy. They are always talking and always drawing
attention to them
they withdraw into themselves and are unnaturally quiet , reserved and shy.
In one way or the other, we may all
suffer from a poor self-image. For some of us it may have to do with sports,
for others it may be school or music or in getting along with older people or
our fellow pupils or speaking in public or… probably we all fell more disappointed
and embarrassed about ourselves than we like to admit.
we can improve our self-image and feel better about ourselves. The answers for
all of us is to understand deep down inside ourselves that we are God-made and Well-made.
connected to God, and your perspective about yourself will change.
Action: Write a private letter to God, thanking Him for the life he has giving you, the
way that you are made and the person you are.
the letter and your picture to fcsaid4life@gmail.com,
zakkaali247@gmail.com or nicholasalifa@gmail.com . Your
letter will be published here.