Today, October 15
is the global handwashing day. This day is set aside annually to promote awareness
on the importance of hand washing with soap or ash.
Hand washing with soap is one of the most important public health interventions in the world. According to global public – private partnership for handwashing, Every year, 1.7 million children do not live to celebrate their fifth birthday because of diarrhea and pneumonia. Handwashing with soap is among the most effective and inexpensive ways to prevent these diseases. This simple behavior can save lives, cutting diarrhea by almost one-half and acute respiratory infections by nearly one-quarter. Handwashing with soap impacts not just health and nutrition, but also education, economics, and equity.
Handwashing with soap improves health and saves lives by preventing infections. Many infections start when hands are contaminated with disease-causing bacteria and viruses. This can happen after using the toilet, changing a child’s diaper, coughing, sneezing, touching other people’s hands, and touching other contaminated surfaces. A single gram of human feces can contain 10 million viruses and one million bacteria, and infant feces are particularly pathogenic. Handwashing with soap works by removing bacteria and viruses from hands before they get a chance to cause infections or spread to other people. This is why cleaning hands with soap, particularly after contact with fecal material from using the toilet or cleaning a child’s bottom, is so important.
When hands are contaminated with disease-causing
bacteria and viruses, these pathogens can enter the body or pass from
person-to-person. Once these bacteria and viruses enter the body, they can
cause a wide range of infections.
Two major illnesses that are transmitted on the
hands are diarrhea and pneumonia. Together, diarrhea and pneumonia kill
an estimated 1.7 million children every year. Many of these deaths can
be prevented by handwashing with soap. Other infections that handwashing with
soap can help prevent include Ebola, skin and eye infections; intestinal worms,
and healthcare-associated infections.
Each day 2,195 children die from diarrhea. This
makes it one of the top killers of children under the age of five globally.
Almost all causes of childhood diarrhea are caused by infections, which means
that most of these deaths are entirely preventable. One of the most effective
ways of preventing diarrhea is by handwashing with soap. In fact, a review of
more than 40 studies found that handwashing with soap can prevent four out of
every 10 cases of diarrhea. Children living in households where there is active
handwashing promotion and available soap have half the rates of diarrhea
compared to children without these.
Diarrheal diseases are often described as
water-related but should more accurately be known as excreta-related, as the
bacteria and viruses (germs) that cause diarrhea come from fecal matter (poo).
These germs make people ill when they enter the mouth via hands that have been
in contact with feces, contaminated drinking water, unwashed raw food, unwashed
utensils, or smears on clothes. Handwashing with soap breaks this cycle.
Pneumonia and Acute Respiratory Infections
Acute respiratory infections like pneumonia are
another leading cause of death in children under the age of five. Handwashing
reduces the rate of respiratory infections in two ways: by removing respiratory
pathogens found on hands and surfaces and by removing other pathogens, such as
viruses that affect the gut, found to cause both diarrhea and respiratory
symptoms. Evidence suggests that washing hands with soap after defecation and
before eating could cut the respiratory infection rate by about 21-25 percent. However,
the full effect might turn out to be even bigger. For example, a study in
Pakistan found that handwashing with soap reduced the number of pneumonia
related infections in children under the age of five by more than 50 percent.
Proper handwashing helps prevent the spread of
cold and flu by removing viruses that get onto hands from coughs and sneezes.
This is particularly important during flu season. Materials such as posters
that can be used to promote good hand hygiene during peak seasons of
respiratory illness or flu transmission can be found at this link.
Ebola virus disease is a severe and often fatal
acute viral disease that can spread from animal to human or from human to
human, both through direct contact with an infected person or animal’s bodily
fluids and through contact with surfaces that have been contaminated with these
infected bodily fluids. Handwashing with soap is an important component of
Ebola infection protection.
Given the impact of Ebola and the role of
handwashing, the PPPHW has developed an Ebola
Key Topics page. Additional information about Ebola is available on this
World Health Organization factsheet
and FAQs,
as well as the WHO/UNICEF Ebola and water, sanitation, and hygiene questions and answers page.
Skin & Eye Infections
Though not as extensive and robust as the
research evidence for diarrheal disease and respiratory infections, studies
have shown that handwashing with soap reduces the incidence of skin diseases
and eye infections like trachoma.
Intestinal Worms
While more evidence is needed, existing research
shows that handwashing with soap reduces the incidence of intestinal worms,
especially ascariasis and trichuriasis.
Healthcare-Associated Infections
Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) affect 15
out of every 100 patients during a hospital stay; the rate is even higher in
intensive care units, in low-resource settings, and for new-borns. HAIs impact
hundreds of millions of patients every year. They can cause short-term illness,
long-term disability, and death. They also contribute to longer hospital stays,
antibiotic resistance, and a massive financial impact for patients, families,
and entire health care systems. Most HAIs can be prevented through good hand
hygiene—cleaning hands at the right times and in the right way, either by
handwashing with soap or utilizing alcohol-based hand rubs. Good hand hygiene
in healthcare has saved millions of lives, but currently only about 40 percent
of health workers globally practice good hand hygiene.
Have additional questions about handwashing with
soap? click here to ask an expert.
Hand Washing and Nutrition
Good nutrition is about
more than access to nutritious foods: it is also about the body’s ability to
absorb the nutrients in the food a person consumes, and this ability can be
affected by germs carried on a person’s hands.
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 50 percent of
child undernutrition cases are due to repeated diarrhea and intestinal
infections caused by poor sanitation and hygiene conditions or lack of safe
water. Handwashing with soap is a critical determinant
for achieving and maintaining good nutrition, and this healthy
behavior plays an important part in preventing micronutrient deficiencies,
stunting, wasting, and deaths.
Stunting, or low height for age,
is caused by long-term insufficient nutrient intake and frequent infections in
early childhood, resulting in delayed motor development, impaired cognitive
function, and reduced school performance. Nearly one third of children under
the age of five in low income countries are stunted.
Wasting, or low weight for
height, is caused by acute insufficient nutrient intake and/or disease, and is
a strong predictor of mortality among children under the age of five.
If disease-causing bacteria, viruses, or parasites
on a person’s hands enter their mouth, they can travel down to the gut where
they may damage the body’s ability to use nutrients from food. The likely ways
that these germs can do this are by directly consuming nutrients before the
body can use them and by damaging the intestinal lining (this is referred to as
environmental enteropathy). Environmental enteropathy includes flattening out
parts of the (villus blunting), which reduces places where nutrients can be
absorbed into the body. As such, nutrients that pass through the gut but fail
to be absorbed can be lost in diarrhea. These pathogens can also irritate the
gut, which can damage its barrier functions, make it easier for toxins to get
inside the body, and cause chronic inflammation, which can further damage the
gut and use up nutrients in the process.
Diarrhea and undernutrition can become a vicious cycle.
Children are susceptible to infection by bacteria
and viruses in fecal matter (poo) that cause diarrhea. When children get
diarrhea, they (a) often eat less food, and (b) have a reduced ability to
absorb and benefit from nutrients in the food they do eat, contributing to the
development of under-nutrition. When children are undernourished, they become
more susceptible to developing diarrhea when they come into contact with the
bacteria and viruses in fecal matter. And so the cycle goes around again.
Handwashing breaks the vicious cycle of
diarrhea and undernutrition.
Good handwashing with soap can prevent nearly
half of all cases of childhood diarrhea. It is also estimated that drinking
clean water and handwashing with soap can reduce the loss of nutrients through
diarrhea and reducing stunting in children under the age of five by up to 15
percent, giving children a better chance of maintaining good nutrition and
growing up to thrive.
Given the important role of handwashing in
nutrition, the PPPHW helped co-found the Clean, Fed & Nurtured Community of Practice which
works to explore and promote the integration of WASH, nutrition, and early
childhood development in the 0-3 age range. We also provide a number of
resources relating to the integration of nutrition and handwashing in our resources
Adopted from Global public – private partnership for handwashing.
Compiled by
FCS aid4Life Directorate
National Headquaters, Jos
Compiled by
FCS aid4Life Directorate
National Headquaters, Jos