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Wednesday 27 April 2016


“Everyone has got a smart phone”.  That’s what Mary said when she came home from school one day.  Her mother asked her about it.  She discovered only a few children in Mary’s class Smartphone.  Somehow they were the children everyone else wanted to be like because their parents had more money.  Mary wasn’t deliberately telling a lie.  It seemed to her that all the children she admired had smartphone so she said “Everyone has got a smartphone”.  Have you ever done that?

“Everyone is doing…” That is another dangerous ‘everyone’.  Teenagers use it to persuade their parents to let them go to bad parties or to see wrong films that they know their parents wouldn’t approve of.  It is a result of peer pressure.

“I’m the only one who…” is usually wrong as well.
“I’m the only one who doesn’t have money to get a coke every day.”
“I’m the only one who doesn’t have a boy-friend.”
I’m the only one who doesn’t stay up till I am on Saturdays.”
“I’m the only one who isn’t allowed to go to that party.”

Probably you are not the only one.  Most people in your group don’t have or do those things either.  “I’m the only one” makes you feel sorry for yourself.  It may lead you to do things you will be sorry that you did.

 “I’m the first one”

Instead of saying “I’m the only one”, dare to be different.  Rather say “I’m the first one”.  Be a strong person who can help your friends and your class to be good people and to do good things.  If you can say “I’m the first one who…” you will find that others will soon join you.

Friday 15 April 2016


By  Stephen Imafidon

The simple meaning of success is fulfilling the purpose why you were created into this earth. Purpose is the original intent of a thing for the existence of that thing that was in the mind of the maker. There is intent and a specific reason for your creation. Your life was preplanned and organized even before you were born. So you are not a mistake you are a special breed with a special assignment.

In today’s world, so many have defined success wrongly. So many believe to be successful is to acquire all the wealth in the world. This kind of mindset has limited of our youths and young graduates, making it impossible for them to fulfill their destinies. To live a life without impact is to merely exist. We were not created to just exist; we were created to reign and live life to its fullest. Man was not created to be a victim of circumstances, man was created to take hold of every circumstance and overcome it. Genesis 1:28 says;

“And God blessed them and God said unto them,
be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth
and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea,
and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing
 that moves upon the surface of the earth”.

Wow! That was a done deal for man, a dominion mandate and a life of purpose.

The truth about life is that the world we live in is governed by certain laws and principles e.g. the law of gravity and the law of aerodynamics etc. Working against principles has crippled so many lives. So many believe that success is all about enjoying life all by me and for myself. You will never achieve real success when you are only concern about your life. Your life is too big to be all about you. In fact you are limiting God when you are only thinking about yourself.

Don’t worry about life anymore; you may be thinking how will I get out of this financial mess or how will my life gets better? You can succeed without having to cut corners or stealing. In fact a whole lot depend on your reputation, integrity and track record. These are the major currencies in the business world today.

You may be jobless or looking for job, there is no cause for alarm. Man was not created for job man was created for work. You can be sacked at any time out of your job but you can never be sacked out of your work. Job is for a while and work is for a life time. Job tends to poverty while work makes you successful. Your destiny depends a whole lot on your work. Your destiny is not dependent on any job or the economy of the world, your destiny is in your hands. You are not ordinary! There was something created for you to do from creation.

You are a solution provider; you were born for a special assignment. There are some ingredients in you that make you different from the 6.7billion people in the world. What do I mean? There are some qualities in you that make you different from others. What are you passionate about? What is that thing that excites you whenever you hear about it? That particular thing is what God has called you into. Follow your passion.

The most successful people in the world are people that are meeting other people’s need. Your need will be met when you start meeting other people’s need. Just start something, if you are already working in your purpose just keep doing it. The world will only follow you when you know where you are going and you are fully convinced about where you are going. It is in the process of meeting other people’s need that your need will be met. Men of purpose are men with a defined sense of direction; they never live life by chance. They live life with a sense of purpose.

Life does not give you what you deserve, life only give to you what you demand. Don’t live life dejected with self-pity, live life joyfully with a sense of purpose. Don’t look at the now always look into the future with your power of imagination. Be visionary and purposeful about life. Your purpose in life is tied to your God-given ability. Be diligent about it and you will stand before Kings and not mean men. ‘Proverb 22:29” Never give up because your generation is counting on you. You shall fulfill destiny! 

Stephen Imafidon is an author, 
a dynamic speaker and a 
leadership expert. 08066835364

Friday 16 October 2015


by Jim Bramlett

 The information below is summarized from numerous expert sources on cults and the occult) The two words, "cult and occult," sound similar. But while different, they both pose a similar spiritual threat to people by appearing to be something they are not. Both can cause its victims to miss God's loving and free provision for their lives through Christ, and cause them to face a tragic, Christless eternity. There are many nice, friendly and caring people in the cults and the occult. God loves them, so much that Christ died for them. They are not our enemy. Our enemy is Satan and his deceiving spirits.

Cults In popular usage, "cults" are religious groups predicted by the Bible (2 Peter 2:1) that deviate from the central, historic truths of biblical Christianity and God's revelation in Christ. Some cults are offshoots of ancient pagan religions, have no similarity to Christianity, and are easy to identify. Others falsely try to imitate Christianity, often using the Bible and Christian terminology, and are more difficult to distinguish. These latter cults typically exhibit one or more of the following traits:

1. They may consider Jesus Christ as not equal to God the Father, but something less. But Jesus said, "He who has seen Me has seen the Father" (John 14:9), and Paul said that Christ is the "image of the invisible God" (Colossians 1:15) The Bible is repeatedly clear that Jesus is deity, and when on the earth, He was God in human form. We can be redeemed from our sins only because God's own perfect blood (in Christ) was shed for our perfect cleansing.

2. They may typically reject the clear biblical revelation of a triune God, sometimes called the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit -- one God, not three, but manifest in three Persons. The Bible refers to all three as Persons, yet One. A mystery, but truth.

3. They may have their own "sacred" book in addition to the Bible. And although they usually deny it, these books conflict with and are given precedence over the Bible.

4. They typically reject the wonderful biblical truth that salvation is a "free gift" from God by grace through faith alone (this truth glorifies God and not man). Instead, cults and all other "religions" falsely say that people must "earn" their salvation by certain works and deeds, often works that will perpetuate the cult (this glorifies man rather than God).

5. Cults are often exclusive, centering around a strong leader (or late founder) who has the only "true" interpretation of Scripture. Whereas Christ came to give us freedom, (Galatians 5:1), cult members are in bondage to that cult or leader, with the threat that leaving the cult will cause a loss of salvation.
Thousands of these cults exist, but here are some major ones listed in most cult reference books: Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, The Unity School of Christianity, The Way International, The Children of God, Scientology, The Unification Church, Unitarianism and the New Age Movement (which is also occult).

If involved in any cult, run -- don't walk -- to the nearest exit, and find a Christ-centered, Bible- believing church. Also, apply the four-step process below.

References. There are many excellent books available on cults. Four are: The Kingdom of the Cults, by Dr. Walter R. Martin; The Deceivers, by Josh McDowell and Don Stewart; Cult Watch, by Dr. John Ankerberg and John Weldon; and Larson's New Book of Cults, by Bob Larson. 

The Occult

The word "occult" refers to what is hidden, concealed, or secret. The occult involves the spirit world, but the spirit world of darkness. The occult is particularly deceptive because the spirit world is very real. Practitioners are dealing with reality -- but dark, forbidden, and evil reality.

There are two kinds of spiritual reality. The first is God's spiritual Kingdom of truth and light, where Christ is King, the nature of which is "righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit" (Romans 14:17), and where God's holy angels dwell, worship and serve Him. The second is the world of Satan (a fallen angel), a world of darkness and hopelessness, void of God, and where other fallen angels (called demons) who hate God work to advance this evil kingdom under their leader, Satan. This latter world of spiritual darkness is that which is experienced through the sinister practices of the occult.

The Bible does not reveal a "dualism," or co-equal forces of good (represented by God) and evil (represented by Satan). Satan is totally subject to the sovereign, omnipotent Creator. But God has given Satan certain authority to operate in the earth as a result of man's sinful fall. He operates through the minds and wills of fallen humanity, and he has constructed a complex web of many evil schemes, including occult practices, even religions, to deceive and snare people by appearing to offer them access to supernatural power and knowledge. The Bible says that such deception will increase in "the last days" before Christ returns (1 Timothy 4:1). But the Bible also says, "The Son of God appeared for this purpose, that He might destroy the works of the devil" (1 John 3:8). Those who trust and obey Jesus Christ have protection and victory through Him.

Any degree of occult involvement can produce problems of oppression, depression, despair, hopelessness, and many physical problems, sometimes bringing death, even self-destruction. Demonic influence can produce obsessions, phobias, bizarre behavior, violence, homicide and sexual perversion in its victims. Worse, it can deceive a person into eternal darkness. The occult is a form of idolatry and a sin expressly forbidden by God (Deuteronomy 18:9-12). In the New Testament when the gospel was proclaimed and received, the liberated people gladly burned all their occult materials (see Acts 19:19).
Here are just a few of the many occult practices: astrology, various kinds of "fortune telling," witchcraft, satanism, ESP, telepathy, clairvoyance, seances, spiritism meetings, use of mediums or "channeling," automatic writing, ouija boards, hypnosis, parapsychology, psychic surgery, eastern religions, reincarnation, voodoo, magic charming, yoga; involvement with psychics such as Jeane Dixon, Edgar Cayce; the Rosicrucians, and the New Age Movement. The New Age Movement is a catchall term embracing many modern occult beliefs and practices. There is even compelling evidence that UFOs are real, but supernatural and often occult manifestations of fallen angels whose ultimate purpose is to deceive humanity into thinking super-intelligent extraterrestrials will help usher the earth into a golden "New Age" of happiness without God. But with God rejected and without His blessings, occult-practicing, lost and depraved humanity will soon bring upon itself the end-time global holocaust prophesied by the Bible.

If you are now or have ever been, anytime in your life, involved with any cult or occult practice, you can be set free of it and any symptoms it may have brought by doing the following: (1) Confess sincere faith in and commitment to Christ; (2) confess the cult and occult sins to God, naming and forsaking each one; (3) renounce Satan, in Jesus' name, and commanding him and his demons to depart; and (4), receive and claim your liberation by faith, without doubting, trusting in the authority and total faithfulness of God and His Word. If you do this, Satan must obey and release you, by the authority of Jesus' Name and God's Word, and any symptoms that Satan put on you must disappear. 

I. The Biblical Mandate
 All Christians are commanded by God to defend the Christian Faith (Jude 3).  Thus we should not to be ignorant of Satan's devices (II Cor. 2:11).  Jesus foretold the coming of false Christs and false prophets (Matt. 24: 4-5, 11, 23-27).  He said that we will be able to know them (Matt. 7: 15-23).

II.  The Amazing Growth Of The Cults
One hundred years ago there were only five or six cults in the U. S. with only a few thousand followers.  Today there are over five thousand cults with over fifty million people involved.  New cults are being incorporated every day.
Why did the major cults arise in the 19th Century?

  1. There was a crisis in religious authority.
  2. Unparalleled natural catastrophes occurred.
  3. An "End of the World" mania gripped the population.
  4. Prophets and prophetesses appear by the dozens.
  5. Occult beliefs and practices became popular.

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The devil is as powerful as you think and as weak as you belief.
How long would you run?
How long would you hide?
How long would you endure what you are not meant to suffer?
You live a life full of fear and at the mercy of the devil.
For Christ sake, how long?

The devil kicks you around,
And you remain quiet like a football that has no choice of its direction.
Nothing seems to be working out for you.
Yet you remain clueless of what to do.
Your health fails you
Your problems insurmountable.
Your academics is unstable,
Your spiritual life fluctuates.

Is it that you are satisfied with the negativity around?
Or you are clueless on what to do?
Hahahaha! thou un-called for, permit me to laugh.
I beg for your pardon if my laughter annoys you
Why would things not be tough?
Why would negativity not stare you at the face?

Aaaargh! I scream, hating the sound of my voice.
Your ignorance amazes me, it sure does.
Do you need a prophet or an angel to tell you what the problem is?
Don’t you see what I see?
Go on answer me!
Of course you have left “BETHEL”
The presence of God,
Your first love has been neglected.

You have to make amends
You have to set things straight
Else they would become tougher and more horrible
You must return to your first love
You must go back to the cover of God
You must go back to bethel

You would want to ask me the way back
Not to worry,
Let’s meet again in the next edition of archive of excellence.
Make sure you get a copy and buy one for your friends and loved ones.

By Omajali Joshua

Do you have an article that you think can bless the life of guys and girls out there, then feel free to share it with us and we will publish it on this blog.

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